Productivity Systems

The biggest barrier to productivity is finding the motivation to get started. Motivation can often be hard to come by in a modern world, full of distractions. This is particularly relevant to those of us still working full time. Juggling hobbies, alongside a full time career, can make it seem almost impossible to keep on top of the most simple of tasks in life. 

In order to ensure progress is made in all aspects, I find it important to have a productivity system in place. This allows me to keep track of my short and long term goals. 

I’ve always had a relatively poor long term memory. This means I find it difficult to remember outstanding tasks and goals. This can quickly become overwhelming. Because of this, it is vital for me to have a logical and easy to use system for keeping track of this information.  

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Bodyweight Fitness

As Miss Way mentioned in Frugal Fitness, bodyweight fitness (BWF) is a form of strength training. I wanted to create this separate post to give you a bit more detail on BWF, because I love it so much! 

So What Actually Is Bodyweight Fitness?!

Essentially, BWF involves using your own bodyweight to perform resistance training. This type of training can accommodate anyone – from absolute beginners to Olympic level athletes. Exercises range from simple push-ups, squats and dips to advanced movements like the planche, front lever or one arm pullup. 

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Why We Keep Our Finances Separate

Society Expects 

This is another one of those aspects of life where we have challenged the ‘norms’ of society. We decided to forge our own way of doing things by keeping our finances separate. 

The accepted norm for couples is to merge finances, particularly when you own a house together as we do. In our opinion this would have led to unnecessary conflicts between us. We are both naturally frugal and would have resented any spending by the other which we felt wasn’t necessary! 

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What a Difference the Sun Makes

Ode to Sunshine 

S.A.D vanisher 

Negativity banisher 

Energy creator and motivation shaker 

Reinvigorates smiles and unused miles 

Of muscles that wake as you shine 

The slate is wiped clean 

As faces beam at rays that rain down from the 

Blue, cloudless sky, bringing twinkles to eyes  

As collectively spirits are raised! 

Miss Way
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