Monthly Spending – May 2022


Welcome to our May spending post! Our total spend for the month was £14,948 or $18,835

Once again, our spending has been massively impacted by large set-up costs. This month we bought a car for $11,000. We also had the associated costs to pay – insurance, license transfers from UK to local, as well as vehicle registration etc.  

As we mentioned last month with our up-front rent payments, we are lucky to have been offered an interest free loan for the car, from Mr Way’s company. We now owe the company nearly $20,000 which is quite scary, but it’s interest free and was a huge, huge help with finding our feet in such an expensive country.  

We also made 1.5 rent payments this month, so that will also decrease going forward! 

Thankfully we managed to reduce our spending on food this month. We really enjoy trying to create cheap but interesting meals so this is an easy win for us. Even despite our frugal tendencies, the cost of living here has us shocked every time we pay for something!  

We also had family visiting during May. While great to see them and spend time together, it did have a large impact on our spending! We spent much more than average eating out, as well as on activities like kayaking and boat trips. It was all very much worth it though!! 

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