Monthly Spending – September 2020


Welcome to our September spending post! Our total spend for the month was £1,636. We’re really happy with this as it’s significantly below our £2,000 target.  

Before we get into the spending, we want to apologise. We haven’t been creating any blog posts recently, other than these monthly spending breakdowns. We’re determined to get back on it soon, but we’ve just been so busy since Baby Way arrived in July. He’s taking up so much of our time! There has also been a lot of work for Mr Way managing his tennis club (he’s the chairman!) and Miss Way has started doing some teaching over Zoom. Mr Way has also been told he’s in line for a promotion (about time!!) this side of Christmas so his work is busy too. A combination of all of these things have meant the blog had to take a hit. Anyway, on to the spending! 

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