Monthly Spending – July 2024


Welcome to our July spending post! Our total spend for the month was £2,665

During July we introduced the newest member of our family! We’re now a 4! 

It was quite an expensive month for various reasons, the baby actually not really being a big factor at all! 

Most of the cost for our MOT & service for the car went out this month, as well as a new freezer. We also both started private dental treatment. We’ve been unable to find an NHS dentist since returning to the UK last year and finally gave in. The up-front cost was pretty high because we had to have check-ups before joining a monthly plan. Unfortunately, dental cover is going to be a recurring cost which we hadn’t previously considered.  

The other major expense was an electronic drum kit!! This was Mr Way’s Birthday present to himself. He hasn’t played for around 15 years and has always wanted to get back into it. Luckily an electronic kit is quiter than an acoustic one! We’re excited about this purchase and hope the little ones can both use it too! 

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