Monthly Spending – January 2023 


Welcome to our January spending post! Our total spend for the month was £5,216 or $6,259

As we’ve mentioned before, the goal is to get our spending below $5,000 as often as possible. We paid for our holiday accommodation this month, but otherwise haven’t done too badly!  

We break our main expenses down into broad categories starting with the big 3; housing, food and transport. Everything else falls into the entertainment category, with any large inclusions explained in detail.  

CategoryAmount (£)Amount ($)Notes
Housing£2,714$3,257See below
Food£752$902See below
Transport£83$100See below
Entertainment/misc£1,667$2,000See below
Total ($)$6,259
Total (£)£5,216
January Spending Graph - monthly spending summary for last 12 months

We break each of these categories down in the following sections, giving detail for any large expenses. 


Our January spending is very standard in this category, with nothing abnormal to report.  

CategoryAmount ($)Notes
Water & Electricity$296
Total ($)$3,257
Total (£)£2,714


Our January spending on food was £752/$902. This includes everything on our supermarket shop receipts for the month.  

We’re actively looking to reduce our food spend at the moment, but it’s really difficult with prices so high here and limited availability. One to work on! 


Again, it was an average month on the transport front. A new brake pad for Mrs Way’s bike set us back $10! There were no other major transport expenses to report. 

CategoryAmount ($)Notes
Bike Parts$10
Total ($)$100
Total (£)£83


Our January spending in this category is our weak spot again! 

As we explained in December, we’ve booked a 2 week trip to Antigua in April and January saw us pay for 50% of the hotel for this trip.  

If you ignore that, it was a pretty good month here. We paid for a block of swimming lessons and Mrs Way took part in a sailing competition. There’s not much else to report! Fingers crossed for more quiet months going forward. 

CategoryAmount ($)Notes
UK Phone Bills$14
Student Loan$195
Eating Out$118
School Photos$20
Swimming Lessons$100
Sailing Competition$50
Antigua Villa$1,419
Total ($)$2,000
Total (£)£1,667
That’s All for Now, Folks! 

Considering the average US household spend is $5,111 we’re very happy with our spending. We live on a very high cost of living island! 

See you next month! 

Previous Posts  

Monthly Spending – December 2022 

Monthly Spending – November 2022 

All Previous Spending Posts 

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