
Is this another one of your bright ideas?

That was the response from family when we mentioned an interest in moving abroad for work. 

This response seems symptomatic of the general apathy shown towards anyone willing to do something a bit different in life. Imagine if we had shared our desire to achieve financial independence!!

The vast majority of modern society are fed the typical story throughout childhood of:

Get good grades, go to uni, get a good job and work hard

Through reading various FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) related blogs our eyes were finally opened to the number of opportunities available in life. This seems to be a community which encourages freedom and the principle of challenging everything.

We find other people’s stories of breaking the mould very inspiring. We wanted to create this blog as a place to share our own thoughts and experiences as we develop our own FI plan. After all, this is an ever evolving goal as we learn what really motivates us in life!

We are aiming to live more of a minimalist existence, breaking free from the colossal waste encouraged by the consumerist society all around us. So far so good! We have drastically reduced our spending while in fact increasing our happiness.

Breaking free from the system can be an incredibly eye-opening experience. You start to question the ‘normal’ and develop your own way of living life. Join us on our journey towards FIRE – who knows where we will end up?!

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