Annual Spending – 2021


Welcome to our annual spending post! Our total spend for the year of 2021 was £26,466. For context, this is for 2 adults plus a baby and includes our wedding! 

If you’ve been following our monthly spending posts, you’ll know how this goes. Throughout 2021 we managed to keep our spending pretty low considering we got married in July! 

 We’re really happy with the total as it’s only just over our £2,000 per month target. With the wedding thrown in there as well as an additional family member since July 2020, we’re really happy. 

It was always our aim to spend minimal amounts on Baby Way in the first few years, and so far we have achieved this. 

See below for a more detailed breakdown of our 2021 spending. 

Continue reading “Annual Spending – 2021”

2021 Personal Review – Mr Way

First and foremost, Happy New Year to you all! Hopefully 2022 brings you health, happiness and prosperity. It’s time for my 2021 Personal Review – so much has happened this year! 

Happy New Year

Unfortunately, the blog has taken a back seat because we’ve had so much going on in our lives. Fingers crossed we’ll have more free time to spend on the blog soon, because of the decisions we’ve taken throughout 2020 – keep reading to see what I’m referring to! 

Continue reading “2021 Personal Review – Mr Way”

Monthly Spending – November 2021


Welcome to our November spending post! Our total spend for the month was £2,219

Firstly, we’re sorry for how late this post is. Work permit applications for our new jobs have taken up a significant amount of time and stress recently. We’ve also been selling our house. This hasn’t left much time for much else, including the blog! 

As mentioned above, we decided to sell our house. We didn’t want the hassle/stress of maintaining a property in the UK while trying to set up a new life elsewhere. It might not be the best financial decision, but certainly isn’t as clear cut as many suggest (“house prices always go up” etc). 

We’re aiming to write several posts documenting our move process in the coming weeks and months. Fingers crossed we’ll have more time for this in the new year!  

Anyway, that’s a brief update, now back to the November spending. 

Continue reading “Monthly Spending – November 2021”

Should We Rent Out Our Home?

With our impending move half way across the world, we’re trying to decide whether we should rent out our home!

The advice of most friends and family is to keep the house and rent it out.

Mr Way’s instinct is rather different with the temptation being to sell up and start afresh.

We write this article in the hope that it aligns our thought and helps our decision making, but also in the hope that some of you might have some advice to pass on!

Continue reading “Should We Rent Out Our Home?”

Monthly Spending – June 2021


Welcome to our June spending post! Our total spend for the month was £-408

This came about because we received another generous donation towards our wedding costs from parents. We wanted to include this in our spending post for full transparency. Despite various balances being due this month, we still didn’t manage to cancel it all out, meaning we end with a negative spend. However, we’ve spent over our average the last few months so this simply averages those out. 

Continue reading “Monthly Spending – June 2021”