Monthly Spending – May 2022


Welcome to our May spending post! Our total spend for the month was £14,948 or $18,835

Once again, our spending has been massively impacted by large set-up costs. This month we bought a car for $11,000. We also had the associated costs to pay – insurance, license transfers from UK to local, as well as vehicle registration etc.  

As we mentioned last month with our up-front rent payments, we are lucky to have been offered an interest free loan for the car, from Mr Way’s company. We now owe the company nearly $20,000 which is quite scary, but it’s interest free and was a huge, huge help with finding our feet in such an expensive country.  

We also made 1.5 rent payments this month, so that will also decrease going forward! 

Thankfully we managed to reduce our spending on food this month. We really enjoy trying to create cheap but interesting meals so this is an easy win for us. Even despite our frugal tendencies, the cost of living here has us shocked every time we pay for something!  

We also had family visiting during May. While great to see them and spend time together, it did have a large impact on our spending! We spent much more than average eating out, as well as on activities like kayaking and boat trips. It was all very much worth it though!! 

Continue reading “Monthly Spending – May 2022”

Monthly Spending – April 2022


Welcome to our April spending post! Our total spend for the month was £10,415 or $12,811

Our first full month of living in the Caribbean! 

The budget was totally blown this month because of our large up-front rent payment. Luckily this is on an interest free loan, but we still wanted to include it now to give an honest account of our set-up costs. As you can see on the chart below, this totally dwarfs the previous 12 months! We obviously knew this was coming with moving to a new, high cost of living country – but it’s still painful to look at! 

We’re slowly getting to grips with the higher cost of living, as well as using $ for everything! Hopefully once the first few months are out of the way we can settle into a ‘steadier’ spending pattern.  

Next month will be another large total because we’ll be buying a car! Thankfully it’s on an interest free loan again which is a huge help. Anyway, back to our April spending.  

Continue reading “Monthly Spending – April 2022”

Monthly Spending – March 2022


Welcome to our March spending post! Our total spend for the month was £3,231 or $3,974

This is where things start to get interesting! Half way through March we moved to the Caribbean. The majority of our spending from that point on will be in $US. Because we’re a UK blog and we still think in £, we’ve decided to report our spending in both currencies. This also means it’s easier to compare to previous months. 

On that note, we’re in for a rough ride. Our expenses are going to be significantly higher than they were in the UK. The country we’re living in is very expensive, but there’s also no income tax which helps! There’s 350 days of sunshine too….. 

Continue reading “Monthly Spending – March 2022”

Monthly Spending – January 2022


Welcome to our January spending post! Our total spend for the month was £1,907

Starting 2022 in positive fashion, with a return to our sub-£2,000 months. We’re aiming to move to the Caribbean in March, so our spending will be changing dramatically soon. For our last month or so in the UK, we’re aiming to spend as little as possible in preparation! 

Continue reading “Monthly Spending – January 2022”

Monthly Spending – December 2021


Welcome to our December spending post! Our total spend for the month was £3,756


This month was significantly above average, but not without good reason. 

First and foremost, we’ve been spending more in preparation for our big move to the Caribbean. We’ve both bought new clothes – out with the winter gear and in with shorts and t-shirts! Both of our laptops were also very old so we decided to get one between both of us. We didn’t scrimp for a change and spent £800 to get a higher spec – fingers crossed it was worthwhile! Other electrical items also needed renewing, such as Mrs Way’s straighteners, Mr Way’s electric razor etc. This is a combination of replacing old items and also the voltage being different in the Caribbean so some things won’t work there.  

Once we arrive, buying these things would be much more expensive, so it makes much more sense to sort it all out now, even though it means such a painful total for our last month in 2021! 

As well as that, we’ve paid a car insurance renewal this month. As we’re moving very soon, we’ll get a rebate on most of this though. 

Anyway, on to the December spending post where you can see more detail on all of this and more. 

Continue reading “Monthly Spending – December 2021”

Annual Spending – 2021


Welcome to our annual spending post! Our total spend for the year of 2021 was £26,466. For context, this is for 2 adults plus a baby and includes our wedding! 

If you’ve been following our monthly spending posts, you’ll know how this goes. Throughout 2021 we managed to keep our spending pretty low considering we got married in July! 

 We’re really happy with the total as it’s only just over our £2,000 per month target. With the wedding thrown in there as well as an additional family member since July 2020, we’re really happy. 

It was always our aim to spend minimal amounts on Baby Way in the first few years, and so far we have achieved this. 

See below for a more detailed breakdown of our 2021 spending. 

Continue reading “Annual Spending – 2021”

2021 Personal Review – Mr Way

First and foremost, Happy New Year to you all! Hopefully 2022 brings you health, happiness and prosperity. It’s time for my 2021 Personal Review – so much has happened this year! 

Happy New Year

Unfortunately, the blog has taken a back seat because we’ve had so much going on in our lives. Fingers crossed we’ll have more free time to spend on the blog soon, because of the decisions we’ve taken throughout 2020 – keep reading to see what I’m referring to! 

Continue reading “2021 Personal Review – Mr Way”

Monthly Spending – November 2021


Welcome to our November spending post! Our total spend for the month was £2,219

Firstly, we’re sorry for how late this post is. Work permit applications for our new jobs have taken up a significant amount of time and stress recently. We’ve also been selling our house. This hasn’t left much time for much else, including the blog! 

As mentioned above, we decided to sell our house. We didn’t want the hassle/stress of maintaining a property in the UK while trying to set up a new life elsewhere. It might not be the best financial decision, but certainly isn’t as clear cut as many suggest (“house prices always go up” etc). 

We’re aiming to write several posts documenting our move process in the coming weeks and months. Fingers crossed we’ll have more time for this in the new year!  

Anyway, that’s a brief update, now back to the November spending. 

Continue reading “Monthly Spending – November 2021”